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New Team Member!
We are exited to announce that Lucia Braga Nan has joined the BIOCTANE project! Lucia is an accomplished researcher with a B.Sc. specializing in microbiology and a master’s degree in Biotechnology from the University of the Republic in Uruguay. She earned her PhD at the AgroInstitut, Montpellier, with INRAE in Narbonne, France, focusing on the…
Scientific Workshop in Madrid
In October, we held our first Scientific Workshop at the facilities of our project partner IMDEA Energy in Madrid. It was a great success, with around 45 participants. The program featured numerous presentations, complemented by a scientific poster session by PhD students, a guided tour of IMDEA’s research facilities, and a shared lunch. Here is…
New Team Member
We are excited to welcome Xujun Li as a new team member of the BIOCTANE project! Xujun brings a strong academic and research background to the BIOCTANE project. After earning a PhD from Xi’an Jiaotong University in December 2023, Xujun expanded their expertise as a joint training student at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. Their work…
HE Cluster Meeting for aviation/maritime fuels and biomethane projects
Prof. Patricia Pizarro, coordinator of the BIOCTANE project funded by the European Union, has participated in the HE Cluster Meeting for aviation/maritime fuels and biomethane projects organized and held at CINEA (Brussels) last October 15. During that meeting, there was the opportunity to receive information about relevant policy frameworks as well as to exchange and…
Scientific Workshop: Thermochemical conversion of biogenic waste to jet fuel
The BIOCTANE Scientific Workshop will encompass a full day of lectures and poster presentationstailored for all who would like to learn more about thermochemical processes for the production ofrenewable fuels. The different lecture topics cover the full process chain, starting by the conversion of feedstock,such as biogenic wastes into platform molecules in the morning. The…
Webinar 6: Catalysis development for hydrothermal gasification
Our most recent Webinar, with David Baudouin from Paul-Scherrer Institute is now online. Hydrothermal gasification is used within the BIOCTANE project, to process the dark fermentation residues for a full utilization of wet organic residues. In order to achieve this goal, PSI is developing catalysts which are selective towards the production of hydrogen but also…