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Executive Board Meeting in Narbonne
We have just completed our bi-annual Executive Board Meeting 🎉 Recent advances and developments within each work package were reviewed and further steps decided upon ✅. Furthermore, we had the opportunity to visit the laboratories of INRAE Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l’Environnement and to engage in many social activities in the beautiful region of Narbonne.…
Webinar 5: Catalysts to convert acetoin and alcohols into jet fuels
From now on, you can watch our latest webinar recording on our channel. On June 6th at 16:00 CEST our guests were Patricia Pizarro, Full Professor in Chemical Engineering at Rey Juan Carlos University and Senior Associate Researcher at IMDEA Energy Institute, and Gabriel Morales, Full Professor in Chemical Engineering, Rey Juan Carlos University.
Webinar 4: Biobased molecules from waste
From now on, you can watch the recording of the webinar on Biobased molecules from waste. In the BIOCTANE process, Eric Trably, Research Director at INRAE – Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory carries out a dark fermentation step of the organic waste used as feedstock. This biomass will be fermented by a mixed microbial consortium under slightly…
Webinar 3: Biofilms on active substrata
Our most recent webinar about Biofilms on active substrate is now available online! Prof. Johannes Gescher from the Lab of Technical Microbiology at TUHH presented a comprehensive overview of their activities and an overview about the current state of research:
Webinar 2: Conversion of acetoin and 2,3-BDO
The recording of the last BIOCTANE webinar is online! Adriana Souza de Oliveira (IMDEA Energy) and Gabriel Morales (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) presented their results on the conversion of acetoin and 2,3-BDO to jet fuels:
Webinar 1: Process & Project
The recording of our first webinar is online 🎉 In case you weren’t able to join live or would like to re-watch it, it is available on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHg5_IREtOg